So are 3/4 of the humans at the gala supposed to be Children? Because this makes no sense at all?
Incel defends infantcide part 3
“Perhaps Europe should refund US taxpayers for NATO & drop the smugness”
I think none of these need an explanation
“if American units have superior capability… than #s mean less”
Is this topology good enough for high end 3D animation?
That’s not rapey at all/s
Detroit alone could literally mow down half of Europe
Incel Defends Infancide (Part 2!)
'Top 5 reasons why I'm an incel'
Incel defends Infantcide
Trying to recruit
I'm not one of you
“At least we have the right to defend ourselves unlike most of Europe”
Why are they so obsessed with me and my bf?
Twitter is a whole cesspool, this is all in response to a cat parody Account 💀
Incel thinks Eugenics is less worse then a simple medical procedure
How fragile do you have to be for you to drop a game at the sheer sound of a woman?
On a post about a woman making a Titanic sinking themed cake for her son. Is my joke somehow more offensive?
Elon Musk Retweet: "Hitler Didn't Murder Millions of People... Public Sector Workers Did"
“Your country exists because of what America provides to you, don't forget that”
Glitch be like part 2
Finally, something I can get behind