Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was voted as the Best Game game, but what would you say is the "Worst Game" in the Xeno series
Thank you steam sale for updating my backloggd
Xenosaga Pied Piper has been recovered after 21 years
Video explaining pied piper and lost year?
Unconventional 10/10 albums
What if the top 6 had a Girl Group verse ?
Bands/artists as constantly great as Radiohead?
who's got the best taste (assumptions too?)
Which friend has the best & worst jrpg taste?
Has anyone played all my top ten games?
The Multiverse of Arrietty's Madness
I thought I was watching the new installment of Joker
My top 20 favourite games... SUGGESTIONS?
Give me tips on reviewing
Some of my favorite albums! Opinions? Assumptions about me? Recommendations?
Who has the best and worst taste out of my friends?
Which friend of mine has the best & worst jrpg taste
Telegrama By Imaginary authors
Thanks spotify!
Spotify struggles
Spotify continues to be trash.
Pied Piper is amazing & here's why.
Suggest me a book with alternate routes built into its structure or series.
The biggest snub of GOTY 2024 is Until Then not being nominated for Art Direction or Narrative
When In Rainbows was released, how much did you choose to pay and how old were you?