What band do you love that seems to get hated on by a lot of people?
low-medium effort droplet render
As a new Primus fan, what are some key things I should listen to?
Des conseils que vous auriez aimé avoir à vingt ans
what is The Metal Album you would consider a 10/10?
Quel activité/loisir pratiqué rend une fille plus attirante selon vous ?
Should I take an AI?
Is this list accurate ?
would it be better to do mast E and inject twice a week or mast P and inject every other day?
How is 400mg deca weekly weaker than 40mg anavar daily ?
What's up with the Antipop hate?
Is Primus for old people ?
Saw this on FB, didn’t see it on this sub, thought you all might get a laugh!
Doing a break in the middle of oral cycle ?
What it's like to re-read everything ?
Go wild
99 Problems
Arimidex vs Nolvadex
What percentage of your gains from roids can you keep if you continue training hard?
Ça vous dérangerait que votre femme ou copine veuille être femme au foyer ?
[Lustmord] Heretic better than Heresy ?
Julie Matthews .....THE ICON!! She's so beautiful. don't you think so?
Nah man, chocolate factory underrated asf
Whats your favorite song?