Anyone know how to check battery life on Airpods Max when using android?
F Class equivalent fully 3d printed motor with resin nozzle. (On a janky homemade rig)
Air M3 or Air M2 or pro M2?
1520, 3.8/4.9, deferred 😭
In theory, would my design work to propel a sugar rocket out of a metal tube? Legally speaking is it legal.
What are some good skis for handling crud and powder?
Massive Increase???
Why does my motor keep on exploding upon firing.
Launch of our student rocket!
What went wrong here? Rocket seems to just explode.
Printer keeps thinking filament ranout
Printer keeps thinking the filament ran out
Should I put High honor Roll, honor roll and AP Scholar in my UC application?
P1P or K1C?
I accidentally misreported my parents' education.
Is it better to melt KNO3 Sucrose Solution or to leave it as a powder?
Rev program not being uploaded to driver hub.
Official November 2, 2024, US SAT Discussion Thread
I accidentally send in an application to northeastern without reporting the APs I plan to take this year. Does this matter? Should I mail in to tell them?
Is having bold essays on Common App bad?
My math grade dropped from an A to an A-, will I get rescinded from colleges?
Should I submit a 1480 to CMU?
Is it weird to directly address a college in a supplement? E.g. I want to say "your program" instead of "{college name}'s program".
My S23 Ultra is flickering a blinding green light. Is my LCD Screen the cause?