1 year on: Do you think we will ever find out the type of cancer Kate actually had?
OOP keeps finding post-it notes in his apartment, thinks his landlord is stalking him
Не гледайте PornHub тия дни!!!
This definitely happened
Wtf Gemini
No, it's not satire.
Fellas I think they've given up on keeping the mask on...
Throwback video of William swaying like a hungover palm tree not long after Thomas Kingston was found dead & Kate was MIA going on two months ... enjoy.😉
Няма по-задушаващо общество от нашето
Мъже, моля ви заговаряйте жени.
Жени, моля ви заговаряйте мъжете!
Превърляне от А1 към Yettel
"Well, then, it's ok that Israel murdered those kids". Not only did Jack think this, he wrote it down, it passed through the editors, and then they fucking published it. Zionism is utterly irredeemable.
Какво НАИСТИНА харесват мъжете?
Israelis only group breaking flag rule? We must all mercilessly report to security
I know the photo has already been posted, here is the caption and the smaller photo running in the press.
Barack Obama and Donald Trump seated next to each other at Jimmy Carter’s funeral
…subtle 😂 “Sees him as the brother he lost.” W & Kate’s newfound proclivity for forgiveness & moving on from the past seems quite conditional.
Israelis are now accusing their own government of committing genocide in Gaza
Israel admitted they put a child in solitary confinement for four years. 15 days is a war crime they admitted he was innocent they admitted they gave him depression and schizophrenia
IOF Guide
Is this Bulgaria?
I can’t believe Armie Hammer thinks this makes him look better: “People were my bags of dope with skin on it."