Goodbye Friend.
Does my Betta have dropsy?
Betta lethargic in corner
How to deter my cat
Name my male kitten. Slight preference for an “M” name as he has a capital M pattern on his forehead!
Wild alien 💚👽
I just set up this 6 gallons with a sponge filter and heater.
I know it’s not the best picture, but is my shrimp eggnent???
How did you free yourself?
SLAA perspectives on open relationships / ENM?
Adding in my shrimplings soon! Any advice about adding them to the tank?
C02 system suggestions
Co2 system suggestion
First planted and shrimp tank!
Substrate & shrimp
Cherry Shrimp and Active Substrate
Active substrate for shrimp?
Online meetings open to polyamorous / queer / kinky people?