Open 24 hours
Bury me in LO
Pulled out the raincoat. Gray beard crew!
I read a post that said all we do is post selfies and we have gray beards......well here's another pic of me in my LO sorry for the lack of grays in my beard but if you look close enough you might see them.I'm 45yrs old and I've aged well...and I have a pretty nice collection of LO
Lo to da church hize 🐎🙏🏿
Another close one this week, but out member of this week who takes the 👑 Southernboy75....congrats bro! That pwing varsity short sleeve was a GO! Shout out to all the consistent posters, We see you!
Couple years ago......this is the back of the shirt @southernboy75 has of my favorite pieces
Building a COCKTAIL TRAIN with pre-war Lionel
A train that tells a meaty story
Polo drip for the day (hoodie NFS)…. auctions go live at 8.
Track choice
Weather was nice this day
Uploading MP4
Green Team
1st time postin this, in this sub. You may have seen it before but nothin wrong wit seeing it again lol 92 ski, matching socks and shirt......they need to make a hat to match
Town I’ve been working on for quite some time now.
Got my first Brass steam loco!
It was a close one.....but Pure_professional_14 got the 👑 again as member of the week but shootout to Southernboy75......both dope fits....keep comin wit that heat 🥵 🔥
My (31M) partner (36F) expects me to pay for her sons child support because the father stopped doing it?
Wore the Cardigan this day
What do I have here?