Poor Stone Cold is already on clearance
Walmart finds todau
Genuine qestions: Does anyone find this style of blatantly choreographed wrestling entertaining or even impressive?
If Chevelle did a deep cuts tour
What’s your favorite live performance of any Tool song?
Are the merchs they sell at shows worth it?
Setlist the first time I saw TOOL
Now that we posting Setlists, My first Tool concert was in Coachella 2006, 4 years after their previous show.
Ridicule him
My first show at 6 years old. How did I do?
My first Tool show - 8/6/98
How does Fear Inoculum stack up for you now?
Real Men Wear Skirts!!!! Big Event 2025
2025 Tour Merch Arrived
My autographed vinyl purchased from their official site a few years back. I also picked up some signed CD books. Last time I checked, they still were doing this (although prices went up a bit more since then, but still very fair and affordable).
Cream of the Crop!
Is this mouse or rat? Found in the toilet
AT EASE MAGGOTS! Had this Hasbro signed by Sarge this past weekend!
How bad REALLY was audience reaction at 2nd day of this festival?
Did anyone else go to the Madison, Wisconsin concert at The Sylvee?
Can I say T.I.T.S was great and I enjoyed myself quite a lot?
Jambi was unique each night.
What no one is talking about re: TiTS