What do you tell your family when they ask why don’t you have a partner or have kids?
What would you do if you were a 40-year-old short man that never had any luck with dating , but has a lot of money?
Why is it when a woman has kids. She’s in her mid 30s now height doesn’t matter anymore?
Bro, this cannot be fucking true. All the short men out here that couldn’t pay for a woman to sleep with them. But you got this guy in prison, getting pussy.
The things women will endure to be with a tall guy.
When did you guys realize it was over for you?
Tall guy privilege. Could you imagine a short guy turning down a overweight woman because she have the kid?
Why is it that when you’re a short guy no matter what you say your standards are too high?
Pick your audience when you want to complain about your life.
Him: He has to be 6’5. 6 figures. Own house. Her: I’m not losing weight, I’m not cooking, not having any more kids cause I already got five. You need to like me for who I am.
How hard it is to get your partner to lose weight?
Being short, it’s a blessing in disguise. Look what these tall guys go through.
What are you currently thinking about?
An abandoned movie theater [OC]
Eastern State Penitentiary, PA.
Hyatt Regency Hotel after the walkway collapse in 1971 and the now named Sheraton Kansas City Hotel in 2019
What’s something from your childhood that you miss doing, but haven’t done in years?