How can Min Ho be anything, but Kitty's lifetime, when...
Plot Twist
Mooncovey and Bonrad Parallels (xo kitty, tsitp)
Let's talk about the times when Kitty called Min Ho her friend in S2 that will likely backfire next season.
Parallels bc I’m such a simp for them
Why I think Minho and Yuri can either be Kitty's "reason" or her "lifetime".
A reason, a season and a lifetime
Dae vs. Minho
Mooncovey foreshadowing???
*The* Leitmotif, part 2, ft Minho’s Long Walks (discussion inside)
Has anyone here seen Dawson’s Creek?
E is for Everybody wants the rule the world
Dae and Minho
Dae and Yuri
C is Covey!
What if Minho hadn’t walked in?
Mooncovey and their height difference💕🫶
Even the showrunner said Kitty already felt something for Minho when he confessed
Dae has been voted the only normal person! Now, who’s Uhhh..what’s your name again? (I predict Mihee)
What was the point
B is for?
Change One Thing in XO, Kitty