First Encounter, Who wins this fight?
Why nagato was able to use his rinnegan so well and to it’s full extent, but other’s couldn’t utilized it properly?
What are Itachi's chances against him?
What if Gaara didn’t break up the fight? Who would’ve won here?
People really need to accept the fact that PAIN>ITACHI
Itachi vs Might Guy
In my opinion, the six paths of pain was the strongest being’s during the time they were existed in the ninja world, even stronger than OM obito (with no intel on nagato)
I really can’t stand when people say sm naruto>Pain. People underrate’s pain so much
4 Raikage(Kage summit) Vs Naruto 6 tails
iOS 18.3.2 breathed new life into m XR
Guess my phone based on these photos I clicked ( Answer in comments).
1 month with this baby. AMA
Phone finally gave up after 8 years of use . old phones were so durable
Who was the better godfather?
worst camera design of the 2024 award goes to...
Who would win?
Kid gaara ( half Shukaku form) vs war arc sakura
Orange mask Obito VS 6 Paths of Pain
Does six paths of pain even have a slight chance of winning against second hokage tobirama?
Tell me is there any way to avoid green line in samsung phones or any other brand phones?
Did I get a steal deal?🤣
Suggest me a good short anime
Describe this character in one word