As someone with OCD , what's something you consider a luxury ?
Wakey - Wakey
Has anyone decided to not have kids cuz sex is just... gross ?
Chemistry phDs: Where did y'all end up ?
We call this starfruit or five finger in my country. What do you call it? I’m curious 🙂
My first mil !!!
High level farmers selling stuff for the maximum price
What does this mean?
I am a businessman😂😂
What languages do you speak?
I hate this
Don't town visitors always give expansion materials ?
Twins!! They look AMAZING 👯♀️
Will 2F's for OL ruin my OL results?
If your life is a movie, what would be the title of it?
Treasure chests tend to open more if you help the farm you found the chest on
Goals in life
Sri Lankan baby girl name ideas?
The double coin boat event is bs
Im leveling up too fast!
Which country would you migrate to?
Finding a hair in your food isn’t that big a deal.
What does a typical day in your life look like ?
Fortnightly /r/srilanka Education Thread