Try not to cry...
What is Bashame saying?
"So you're marrying me?"
Dropping as candidate, u/ShitPostSempai can take my candidate spot
Is Sempai a kid or something 😭🙏
Anime Character you want to be as?!
Can Sempai vote for President?
Quote of the day
Congrats for all the r/nokotan couples🥳🎊
I am the 1000th member
Favorite blond characters?
Nyoj, Shika jkfcnvfhe (This is a test lol)
Literally meant for eachother
Nokotan vs nokotan
I am now a moderator for this cult! Worship me! I am your god!
Is the deer club getting stricter if Koshitan enlisted as NCO?
Edits are ofc allowed too😅🫶
Sans Vs Anko
damn crossover
Loss of a Dear.
Give a honest opinion on my 3x3
The same dude who confessed to Sempai before me got arrested for smoking underaged lol
Racist Koshitan creepypasta.