Abusive mom saying i was a shy baby
Does anyone else have "trauma blindness"?
Weird flash while trying to sleep
I swear and yell at my mom in messages
Going from being sure to unsure
Why not
Apple be like "DON'T LEAVE"
Why did Drummond attack?
Is it mold? Or just dried out pasta from the microwave
Cant get support because i dont remember/know what happened
Is this mold?
Early childhood CSA fragmented memories. extremely confused and lost
Feels like i had a normal childhood and wasn't abused - denial or the truth?
What i thought that wrong with me before figuring out its mostly likely trauma
My abusive mom is promoting her own "trauma therapy business"
I am speechless
Severance - 2x10 "Cold Harbor" - Post-Episode Discussion
I don't wanna be alone
Carved a watermelon for the season finale
I made a Mark Scout doll - he's fully integrated in yarn form!
I dont understand!! Pls help (TW csa)
What i think
Can trauma be related to seizure triggers?
I've never adopted two kittens at the same time before. Is it normal for cats to like each other this much?