Who should be inducted into the Hall of Fame? I’ll start
ADHD and sex
How relatable
Most random request you been asked during sex?
What has been this man’s best or funniest moment?
My gf is scared to cum
What's your most awkward situations?
🤣😂 stop tickling me and go for it.
🤣🤣 stop tickling me and go for it.
Why do i finish so fast?
I'm not that guy 🤣🤣
I only got it because I accused her of cheating.
Narcissist (F) partner.
I reached Rock bottom
My psoriasis story (pictures attached)
Can someone tell me what this is please it itches sooo badd and gets flaky and crusty.
What small things make you irrationally angry/annoyed?
What's your toxic trait?
I've not played a WWE game since 2014..
What's the most embarrassing thing to happen to you while doing the deed?
Haha bullseye