Am I going to have a stand ability?
My longest online order of 9 subs
Leaving. Adios.
Is my cat too thin?
What was everyone’s first series?
Is there a name for someone who pretends to be gay to get someone to come out to them?
What kind of person am I?
What would cherry coke mixed with chocolate milk taste like?
Why do you talk?
What is one drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) that you think tastes gross but everyone else seems to like?
"Sammich" rather than sandwich...
forcing you to gaze upon surreal kira once more (+extras)
Does anyone think Jobin Higashikata would like this song
Since there are no time related abilities at the end of part 7, how do you think they will do the villain interruption?
Who the fuck plans a temple trip this early on a Saturday?! I just wanna sleep in, I'm tired of getting up at 5 every fucking morning for seminary.
I thought this said soft & wet
What does this smell like?
How Much Do you have in Savings and Investments?
I started at 26. 19 is not too late. Please be safe.
Help. I need to make a decision and I’m running out of time
Collection and shelf redesign
gather around gays its storytime
My top places to date