Jeremy's collapsed sun
Getting a kill with this thing is satisfying
I have no idea how this shot landed, but I'm sure glad that it did! Featuring the single drop of water on my screen from the boat at just the perfect time. lol
Rorsch MK1
Check this out
Don’t ask me how. But I did that.
So shotguns with slug rounds are basically just snipers?
Google AI summary is learning me something.
People who knew celebrities before they made it big, who was it and what were they like?
They call me Terry, the Tank T-Bagger.
The Witcher in concert coming soon
This one felt dirty, not gonna lie.
Are attack jets actually unkillable
What's wrong with these people ?
They should have easily killed me
Need help with my last China rising assignment.
The smawgods came through to me in this moment.
Was watching old throwback episodes of Xena warrior princess and looky who decided to show up
I... I have no idea wtf just happened...
Do you think anybody except hulk would have survived this?
DAE not switch hands when cutting their food?
The power of 'Love U Bro'
Hardcore: I hate it here.
To get on the airplane
To respect the company by giving a 2 week notice