Hunter Supers are falling behind
Permanent Flag Encounter
Please stop making us wear specific armor for events
All the launch bugs and stuff aside, Rushdown is an absolutely amazing game mode
Final Boss Sunderine Doctrine
No Adept Drops after Wins
New Trials Emblem
You're locked in a house for 1 year with no internet. You get a PC with 3 single player story driven games. What 3 games are you choosing?
Zoetic Lockset
how do I combine?
Bird Error during DPS
uhh. Im a pmc wheres my secure case and my other shit
Need a Scav with the Kotton Beanie [Loot]
Last Kappa item any tips [Loot]
[Discussion] Any tips on how to find the Evasion Armband
There was a time when Capturing Outposts was the worst task in the game... But now it's definitely this task.
[Cheating] How is this guy not banned? 149.9 KD and 91% SR, the most I've seen in 3.3k hours.
[Feedback] Boss spawning is terrible at times.
[Discussion] what point on wipe you stop playing?
Guys... Ithink I had fun in trials
Secured perimeter quest on factory [discussion]
Kappa Items [Discussion]
[Feedback] What do most people run in there Pouch?
BTR Fixed [Discussion]
PVE labs is wild