Smeagol & Deagol officially revealed!
I don’t get her appeal she’s so cringe and unfunny.
Since the season 3 reboot is having issues, I think they should scrap it and add this season instead
If this is funny I don’t get it..
Is this a good or bad thing?
They copied alan becker once again...
Lego Main Tower Leak
what are our thoughts on ɣ?
Why Not
What If King Orange Died Instead Of Gold (The Second Outcome Timeline, Full Story)
TD characters and the people/characters they are based/inspired/designed/named after
Name The Times Chris Actually Showed Any Care To His Contestants
How does anyone think this is Mabel’s fault for being sad?
Total Drama Action full cast my way 🎬 Gosh!
did your favourite character from gen 1 get a bingo?
"What is this, some kind of Evil TSCs team ?"
I like legos but I domed know what this means
I know almost nothing about this show but gimme your best shot
If it wasn’t for this guy AVM Season 3 would have never happened
So is White Vision stronger and more powerful than OG Vision?
Stacy knows about Perry
Give me any two TD characters and I'll write them a scenario where they're a couple :))
My Medieval Avengers
I dub thee. . . CANON!
i found an easter egg in undertale