Which unsolved crime do you hope is solved within your lifetime?
AITAH for not standing up for my pregnant fiancée who ate my daughter’s cupcake ?
'X-Men '97' Season 3 Receives Major Update from Rogue's Voice Actress
Am i the only one?
TIL there is a Titanic monument in DC, funded by women, to honor the men of the Titanic who died so that women and children could live. Only 20% of men survived, while over 70% of women and children made it.
Basically everyone in the Xmen is braindead
X-men 97 Episode 7
What movie in your opinion chickened out?
A perfectly preserved child in a glass coffin was found buried beneath a San Francisco home — untouched for 145 years
Defend Camilla
‘Good Burger’ Star Jan Schwieterman Dead at 52 (Played Mondo Burger Owner Kurt Bozwell)
Which historical person or event doesn't have a movie made about them/it, but should?
The Pitt | S1E12 "6:00 P.M." | Episode Discussion
What’s a childhood snack that disappeared but you still think about?
WIBTA if I ask my coworker to stop microwaving fish after she told me that this is her budget meal?
AITA for refusing to let my mother-in-law be alone with my baby after what she did?
Dad donated his kidney to me when I was 18 and saved my life but …
AITAH for thinking its pathetic that my ex-wife’s affair partner couldn’t even afford to pay for her tombstone?
Anybody have this glitch
Bad Boy Cleveland.
'Disney's Snow White' - Review Thread
This bathroom sign has a braille translation to remind blind people that not every disability is visible
A video of a delivery guy getting into a fight with 2 security guards it shows how poorly trained many security guards.
Elephant mourns death of her companion of 25 years, refuses to leave her side!
A lion pushes her cub without knowing it is water