If Mi-nyeo got away with her cigarette by hiding it in her private part, then Gi-hun should've put a second tracker in his ass too.
Why didnt Gi-Hun warn everyone about the deaths BEFORE signing the contract?
Theory: Each VIP is a different representative from around the world.
Who else thought this scene was real?
Vu à Toronto : une femme portant le hijab pour faire la promotion de la loterie pendant le Ramadan !
Machinerie pour boucher les nids-de-poule
Can someone find a mingle song on Spotify for me please
About those commandos Gi Hun hired
Had 006 (mi-hwa) not have been manipulated by the 004 (Seon-nyeo) she wouldn't have voted O in the 3rd round of voting & would've still remained an X voter, meaning everyone could've left after 001 ("young-il") voted X
Almost 100 days left!!
A man in a mask just climbed up my fire escape and went onto my roof
Player' debt on the consenting scene
Player' debt on the consenting scene (Season One)
Theory: Min-Su gets ahold of Thanos's pills and will stop being wimpy for once
Characters I didn’t like and never will
Which VIP would you say is the richest?
When did y'all realise this guy was suspicious?
Faillite de Northvolt: Québec dit adieu à ses 270 M$ d'investissements en Suède
What was their reaction here after hearing about gi hun's rebellion plan?
Donald Trump menace de taxer le vin et le champagne de 200% si l’UE maintient ses droits de douane sur le whisky américain
Squid Games Theory:
Is this player 343 who got killed by frontman in mingle?
Hockey fan gets into it with Mascot after he allegedly shoves him out of his chair.
Thanos fans deaths
Genuinely felt bad for bro