LF Landorus & Thundurus
What did you use your Masterball(s) on?
How did you (or how will you) afford your epic mount?
Petah, can you explain?
Game Thread: Kansas City Chiefs (14-1) at Pittsburgh Steelers (10-5)
Zirene announces that he has been promoted from QA on WoW Classic to mid-level game designer on WoW Classic!
What's stopping guilds/pug leads from ninja looting?
Best dps spec/class in SOD currently ?
Wild Strikes to become raid wide, 100 yard range
Please Dev Team, Bring HC+ Dungeons
SoD has produced by far the worst content creators
MC Flex Raiding has officially been patched out and removed - now hard capped at 20
Fun game
Corehound respawn time
Antonio Brown has a new rival in the CTE League…
Looking for a space marine army
Kicked for needing an item I needed, but the healer wanted to DE
Devs are trolling us at this point (Seasonal Quest)
New Salamanders player testing color scheme
First few weeks of PTR....
Sod P4 PTR Official Post and notes with long list of class changes.
Least projecting Lakers fan