What color should I try?
General Discussion - March 04, 2025
Is my hair safe to bleach?
Do I get a rook or daith?
New Pc keeps crashing and has bad internet connection, need tips/advice
What helix jewelry do i need to achieve this??
psa to AF users/lovers. diluted dye will dye hair just fine!!
Depop drama!! Depop seller demands that i delete my review. what should i do?
Why are so many backliners allergic to getting on the tower?
I really hope the people that did this get jail time because this could definitely kill some
AITA for not wanting my sister and her boyfriend to tag along to a concert with me and my dad?
Get out of series if you suck at splattershot pro please
Really? Hit and Ler?
Shit player alert this weekend
Underground Sbisa sliding doors