Rejected UW - 2nd of 8
Rejected from Stanford CS
Not actually an Arabic word, but if I’m sounding out the word “bombastic” is this what it would look like?
I got acceptance after 2week stress alhmadulliah
Manifest your acceptance
Not Like Us vs Humble
I got accepted to USF for PhD
Resources for learning some VHDL and/or Verilog?
SJP UCI collecting donations for the LA fires on campus Monday through Friday (IG: @sjp.uci)
Rate my Spring Semester classes!
Price gouging alert!! Price up 25% in last 2 days
Scholero GPA converter
Best kendrick songs to listen to when you're feeling devious?
LA WildFires Volunteering
Confused about these two
Do I need to be checking portals?
For those interested
I have to take 4 major related electives soon
Marked me as -1500 SAI but I don't think I am?
Where to donate to fire victims in South OC?
CMV: Defending or supporting Islam and Muslim people as a liberal is not progressive and is a case of tolerating intolerance. Islam is not compatabile with the western world and its values.
Seeking for assistance
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