You hit your head really hard there.
Say something that will confuse or concern new sims 2 players
The cake a friend of mine made for my birthday party
Evangelical Preacher
He Has A Question
I hate this stupid event...
Someone doesn’t like the vet
I don't know how this game surprises me still, but here we are...
I'm disabled, but I'll try posting why not. With my senior pibble.
I think there should be a fund revolutions button
The concept of headpats is very confusing but every species we tried seems to love it.
I’m only allowed a sliver of bed to begin with and I lose it the moment I get up. Then he just glares at me while I’m relegated to the foot of my own bed 😫
What some guys at my school did
This is better than work-spaces (for my use case), didn't know about it, has been available for decades.
And I got hated on that sub for suggesting Linux Mint
the sub fell of
The year of Linux desktop
To brag about how Linux can be installed on everything of course
Yes i use Arch on my servers, pacman -Syyuu goes brr
Honest Runbook 😂
WTF where’s the door
"Let's install some rouge wireless devices in one of the most protected buildings in the world without telling anyone" - Some Stable Genius. One of us?
Ah yes, women have it so easy in life