How have you documented your memories, thoughts, opinions, experiences etc for future generations to know you on a deeper level?
AITA for not inviting friends of my parents to my wedding and not budging when my parents are pressuring us to invite them?
ITAW for a diverse collection or display of plants?
Redditors with depression, what helps you keep going?
Did people always not save?
How did my body change?
Medications causing flare up?
Does anybody actually sleep 8 hours a night in the US
Am I crazy or should I actually
AITAH for ghosting a friend when she was going through a hard time and being a bad friend
How close is your supermarket?
Update: AITAH for embarrassing my husband's coworker for embarrassing me and my husband?
Do you have or plan to have a child?
WTW for presenting information in a cryptic manner so that it evades being questioned
What’s a tv show from your childhood you swear nobody else watched?
What do you think and how is generally view the Kardashian family in the US?
WTW for a singular flaw in something beautiful that is accepted or even praised?
Why are so many young people getting married??
Juan’s Secret
AITAH for embarrassing my husband's coworker for embarrassing me and my husband?
What has been your biggest turn off on a first date?
What events do you think should happen before you get married to someone (meeting family, seeing them mad, etc.)?
WTW for the unsettled feeling some people get for receiving something undeserved or being overcompensated?
What's a feeling or phenomenon there's no English word for but there really should be?
What is something positive about getting older?