What are some childhood symptoms you had?
Hellooo to my favorite community. This is about food!
Does anyone feel like they’re on drugs when they have a crush ?
What’s something small and simple that annoys you more than it should?
Why do my fuckin balls hurt off 2 tabs?
Anyone else infatuated with the idea of falling in love with another bpd?
BPD and ADHD overlap?
Do you view daydreaming as a drug?
What are your favorite movies on LSD
I can't do this anymore
Can you be a full time package handler?
Have you self medicated with drugs ?
Celibacy makes me feel like I’m rebelling against society
Are humans born asexual or does/can it develop at any time?
Single pwBPD, how do you do it?
bpd and lsd
What really fucked you up from your childhood?
Is everyone cool??
Everyone sucks.
What’s the average pay for package handlers
Would you work at all if you didn't have to?
What is the percent of taxes out of a PH’s 17.50/hr weekly paycheck?
I love you all
How's your mental health doing right now?
In agony over who my partners have sex with before me…