Here’s some art I did for “mirrorball”!
Worth maxing?
Quesadillas on the grill
This hot sauce dried out in my measuring cup and formed crystalline like structures.
Caught my first Nundo!!
Who is this guy? (Only bad request)
How does Kendrick just casually walk around without any security?
Looking for Giveaway? OFFERING Armoured Mewtwo!
Who’s that behind Homelander?? It can’t be? Can it?
Pétition to replace evo valk by the evo of our choice
Skate rentals?
Does anyone know what hash shift means? (AUS)
Amazon took $1.57 off my gift card for no reason.
Received 9 jams, 13 butters, 6 honeys, and 7 peanut butters when I asked for extra honey.
how can i improve my deck?
how good is darmanitan for PVP?
Kendrick told DJ Mustard that HEY NOW made him feel like Goku during the NLU shoot
What random MF DOOM lyrics do you blurt out for no reason
What did Hank mean by this?
How much did Ken spend?
Seasons 7 and 8 are hard to watch
What Taylor song is gold?
Eras tour minecraft stage!
Name an artist who has a better/equally as good 4 album run.
What would you remove from Dexter?