Monitor upgrade recommendations and experiences.
Thanks for the help
All it's missing now it's an engine
Who wins this duel?
Average 8020 user vs Wood Rig Gigachad
Sweater weather!
Do you also use your sim rigs as regular PCs?
Went to microcenter this weekend just to take a look at what they have... Went home with this. Replacement Parts webpage "Broken?"
What's better than one RX-78-2?
Show me your sazabis
Upgrades arrived today.
Turned my $20 keyboard into a $249.99 Sim Racing Keyboard
My current setup
I got a pristine Olympus OM-1 today.
Bot that joins when a specific member joins the vc
Taskbar flashing when clicking in game
No More Hornies
Help Kotor Unknown World
How do you guys feel about world of light?
The difference is insane
My eyes have been opened. I'm Lord Tachanka main now.
So, after farming for legendarys for hours just to get my final blade, I get her on a common ffs.
Simple Questions - June 05, 2017
Weekly Newbie Thread - Post questions about joining the AF or what a job is like here & here only - week of December 05