Can someone help me understand some comments?
Can someone tell my kinds tgat cleaning their boogers on my arm is NOT a sign of affection?
Why are teenagers so hated in kids cartoons?
Day 6: The boring oneeee...
What can replace coffee in a drink?
Did you miss Gina in the later seasons (7&8)?
random obscure-ish no context b99 quote
Working in childcare is funny like, how can you not tie your own shoes?? And wdym you just pooped yourself??
Do you guys also don't know how to react when someone compliments your style?
Olha esse golpe que me tentaram aplicar kkk
Who Is Coming To Save You?
whats your "I put that shit on everything" sauce?
Can someone give me an username with Ivan plz? (For tkk)
What is an useless hability you have?
How do I shuffle a deck of thick cards?
What is something you WOULD wish on your worst enemy?
I watch Peppa pig and genuinely have fun with it, am I weird?
What is Captain Holt's trigger word? (Wrong answers only.)
Older punks, do you have any advice for someone new to the culture?
Scared the life out of the bear
Sou babaca por da um soco no meu namorado?
Sometimes instability is stability
Enough negativity. What’s the *best* thing about your ADHD?
What are good binder brands?