When God Was the First to Bleed
Breaking the Clobber Verses: What Genesis 19 Really Says About LGBTQ+ People
I am tired of being afraid
Original Sin: Something about my faith that I don't regularly share for fear of backlash
Do you believe in a hell and heaven after death?
How do I forgive myself? Does God even really forgive me?
How has God provided for you?
Thoughts? Credit to shahinourian on Instagram
Why do conservative Christians push for literal Creation so much?
Have any of you ever felt God's presence. what was it like.
Teach Me To Listen: A Prayer for the Journey Down the Mountain
Do you believe that as Christians, it's our sole duty to convert others to our faith?
Breaking the Clobber Verses: What Leviticus Really Says About LGBTQ+ People
What the Fundamentalists Don't Understand about Leviticus
American Empire
Can a Christian listen to other types of music that are not Christian?
The Light We Fear
Did the serpent really deceive Eve or did he tell her the truth?
Your Favorite Pastors
Taking back the rainbow?
I think I'm starting to give up...
A Reckoning: Repenting for the Church, Not for Love