Christine is older than Beth and looks 15 years younger
Movies where literally NOTHING happens?
Apparently next month, a giallo will be getting its 4K debut by Vinegar Syndrome; which movie are you hoping for?
Phish guys are the worst
What’s the old Earworm got you hooked with currently?
What has happened to Cresco?
Who has the better music taste?
Pink Floyd has won for P! I had to skip Queen and gave it an automatic win bc ik it was gonna be unanimous. Anyways, Who is the greatest classic rock artist who start with R?
Couldn't let this one go without a screen shot...
Need new music to listen to!
Headed to Trey tonight! And if you see Steve (in the black sparkly jacket), please wish him a happy 40th birthday!!!
New Strane Disposables
What's a 4k bluray you were disappointed by?
Halfway to the Moon Appreciation Thread
A Live One just got delivered! I’ll be bouncing around the room tonight
What's a movie you'll never watch again, no matter how good it was?
Getting stoned with friends tonight need funny ass movies
Best Brands to look for in PA Medical Dispos?
Who’s your favorite drummer?
I need some suggestions of films with gorgeous shots and cinematography
Favorite strain
New to medical advice.
AI playlist feedback
Is he worth it ?
What movies have the most exciting first 30 minutes?