Cancelling my membership
bran REACHES for content
reading the nycinfluencersnark page
the zoomies and playing board games
Need editor
brookes pic used on shein
APs body checks
If I ever start feeling bad for Schwartz again, I just need to remember this….
Tana’s friend’s tattoo
this is Tana coded lmao
Can someone give me the tldr on Brad Sousa
White fox scamming 🫣🫣
Oscars old YouTube
Who was your favourite housewife newbie this year ?
Which influencers blocked you?
What am I missing about Eli Rallo?
Carl has to go to another borough to go to Barry’s now lol
What We're Working On at Just Trish Studios Inc. LLC 💖🪩
Thoughts on the Julia Fox memoir?
This is hard but I’m sticking through this time!
‘The Real Housewives of New York City’ Is the Jessel Taank Show- MEGA THREAD