About the lawyer mike hired...
Anyone else get really sick on azophioprine
Tier list of rage inducing cards (rotating only)
Impossible to main this champion
Would lydia have gotten away?
Malorne still not duplicate protected...
What's happening with trains rn
23 Nerfs are coming next week, with Patch 32.0
Lvl 15 cards in low trophies
Arena run, Picked kurthus, 29 different cards, this is my last pick, and I have all 3 of these cards...
I don't get the ted tax thing
Trains of NSW my ranking
Abilities that do and don't give tower aggro (@Crownie)
New Demon Hunter Card Revealed - Omen
Any reason why I can't add education portal to my canvas page as an education student?
What you should have picked for the free reward
Well im impressed
I name was changed from Gaara just bc ppl reported it?
Give me ALL your aggro decks
Which 1 single card are you looking forward the most to be gone
Dev Update: An Analysis
I played the first game of irl Hearthstone Commander!
Caverns of time deck code copying is irritating
A cool spell I thought up randomly last night.