I'm kind of envying older millennials as a zillennial
Anyone kind of envy the millennials?
Do we naturally gravitate more towards night owl or early bird?
How to cope with loved ones who pass who didn’t accept Jesus
First keto meal, taco bowl
Cannot keep myself from the urge to debate extreme(dumb) takes
INTJs are everyone’s personal life coach
Your thoughts on banning immigration
For Ontarians: Why did you vote Conservative this election?
Do INTJs Have an Inherent Personality Trait That Pushes People Away?
Canada’s Self-Defense Laws Put Criminals First, Not Civilians
Reddit once again proves to be 100% representative of the population….
ONTARIO ELECTION DAY - Daily Discussion and Rant - Feb 27th 2025
Looking for ETFs with no American portfolio.
Are there any TV series that INTJs particularly enjoy?
Did you ever make something that lasted?
What is your favourite place to be at? ⋆
What animal do you see yourself as?
Best Decision
For intj men, how do you like to be reached out
INTJs: Do you enjoy reflecting on what you did today, or are you just glad it's over?
Do you feel like this subreddit's logo is representing INTJs, or are we playing into the caricature of it?
Can't stand dirty, unorganized things but satisfied when things are organized and clean
I can stare at a wall for hours
Considering it’s a pseudoscience, how much stock do you put into MBTI/being an INTJ?