Charizard is my all time favourite Pokémon - I just had to draw it
What's the best pickup line you've used/got?
Pennywise? Nah, the REAL monster here is _______
The birthday cake my girlfriend made. Thats a toy jeep climbing chocolate rocks!
Can I trim this?
I'm now part of the great Canadian family🇨🇦 [Reupload]
Amazon raises minimum wage to $15 for all US employees
Found this on FB. Not exactly accurate but it's pretty amusing
If you became a vampire and had to give yourself a douchey “vampire” name, what would you call yourself?
Most Beautiful Canada Country [1920x1080]
17 or 18 here. I’m the guy in the middle, with my two best friends. We called ourselves the “Inconspicufecta”, idr why. Good memories, cringey photo.
Gear fit 2 heart rate wildly innaccurate
Where to buy Huawei P20 lite in Canada?
Recently bought a used KeyOne. Battery is beginning to bloat. help!
I thought you guys might enjoy my new tattoo! FFVII
1 Year Nintendo Switch Online Subscription
Mad Hatter Is Now On Spotify!
Thank you Jim
Thanks for sticking up for us Jim
Met Angela, Oscar, Kevin, Creed and Stanley at Keystone Comic Con!!!
A dress my Grandma bought me along with my platform tennis shoes circa 1997
Female Muslim NPCs won’t hug you or shake your hand in the new Spider-Man game.
The New Spiderman Game got Muslim Sister's behaviour patterns down pat!
The comeback of the century
Huawei P20 Pro shot. 40 MP shot.