Added a second shelf to my Twice collection
I bought this old lady nightgown today and my husband absolutely hates it but I'm in love with it ✌️
Hot take: This is Riku’s Worst Fit in the Franchise.
Which Kdrama had the most aesthetic cinematography?
1,000 HP Speed Society hellcat for sale in TX
What’s the most overrated Kdrama?
Why aren't repackage albums commonly made anymore?
IVE Gaeul - Esquire Korea (April 2025 Issue Pictorial Preview)
Who’s your favorite K-drama female lead?
Just finished Hometown Cha Cha Cha, how am I supposed to go on after this?
IFYKYK lolll
The Glenn VS Negan Rematch was quite productive
What is the most money you have ever spent on a flight?
Who else watched porn on their PSP?
Why you prefer handheld over your phone?
Those who have handheld gaming PCs and gaming Desktop/Laptops, how often do you play the handheld over your full PC?
What game franchise does this?
Booked my first Southwest flight in 10 years this morning
Hotels that allow 18 yr old to check in
I named them Jack and Ennis
New Spin-Off leak!
What do you think is the most popular/successful product placement in a movie?
Too cheesy/cheap?
Is it rude to eat/drink while walking?
How often do you rewatch?