Long Finned Corydoras Paleatus spawning.
Lay your crunchy and non-traditional adhd/anxiety strategies on me. I want to know it all … crystals? Chakras? Mushrooms? Special diet? Abandon all rational judgementalness if you enter this thread.
Is there men in the world who don't want kids?
Child free in your 30s
Holy moly does being a single, CF woman seem to really strike some nerves on TikTok
Do you feel like being childfree is part of your identity?
I feel like the universe is punishing me for being a childfree Black woman.
Convinced that childfree are more informed about children and parenting than actual parents.
Have fun dying alone
i finally had the energy to cook and prepared a meal !! its not the best but im really proud of myself since i usually just get premade food. i also had my first day of work after 2 years of being at home due to depression !!!
Why are they like this?!
I did not move at all today
1 year sober and I thank my 60+ plants for helping me get here!
New pot
What a cutie💋
Why in the world?
Moist forest
It looks like I may have been interrupting a gossip session 🫢
Do parents want their children to live?
My stance is being reinforced everyday
Decided to watch some birth videos…
My father has turned into a raging lunatic
He's just a little guy :)
I was told to post this over here…adhd and weight loss and why “all it takes is willpower” is trash, and impossible for many
After 2.5 years and planning a future together, bf decided he thinks he wants kids