This is really disturbing. If she think this way, she can severe hurt somebody.
Her dirty kitchen gets off your ass clean the kitchen
Lauren memories 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lauren comment on YouTube she is so fake
Lauren you this to your own self.
More of crazy Lauren
Lauren thing got deleted🤣🤣🤣🤣
Crazy Lauren again
AirBnB Host already sick of her shit
Here is more of her
Lauren no one is using you atm look at the food you got . If someone was using it call it in as lost . You won’t because it’s no one took it
Now she talking crap about her cousin.
Please, someone lock her up for good.
Well there a ladybug here her rbb what’s else in that room beside the ladybug
Lauren stop talking about your family then
Blah blah blah
More Lauren
Now she accusing her cousins
Here more of Lauren
She texting her friend about the government
Lauren that’s is none of your business what your mom does
Lauren need to be away in a metal hospital. She saying her mom sold her kids to the government
At the end of the video she said this about the kids
She saying her mom is go to jail
Lauren is at AirBnB?