wtf 🤮 the last part she says 😣
They got an apartment. I’m guessing they used some of JJ’s money she got from her recent shoot. Now she MUST go to that next con!
Trauma piss everywhere!
I recorded a lot but wanted to post this last part. She’s BIG bothered about what happened. There’s a major spiral coming.
Honestly… GROW UP
“Unbothered and healed”
Jenna washing pills down with vodka
Why didn’t she cite a reason?? Isn’t she trying to be the poster girl for trauma?? Oh yeah… because it’s a lie!!!
Hey Mils, why don’t you ask Jenna why she still has her alleged abuser’s last name on her IG? All she has to do is go to her profile and click “edit”…it’s THAT simple.
I’d pay money to see her actually show up to the bear cave 🤣
Is she acknowledging her cement dumper?
True Thespian
Oh lord, where to begin…
Just got this guy on Sunday, say hi to moose
Mils is straining hard to be out of this picture 🤣🤣🤣
Jementia is bragging about landing a “gold star” while poor mildew landed a sleep paralysis demon that has been used more then a port a potty at a taco festival
Nosferatu ahh legs 😒
Aren’t those claws JJ?
Filter slip Friday. Happy Scrolling! 🫣
No thanks 🐻
Once again she is listening to us 😁 or .. pretending to
For Sale: Most of my collection
Of course it’s all a joke to her, disgusting
The eyebrows 😭