Be honest. Could you go 24 hours without your phone?
Is there a younger generation word/term that you love, or don’t mind saying?
Anyone else stuck in loser mode
What do people even talk about?
For People With a Phone Addiction, I Found The Solution For Us At 20
I kind of Miss television shows and being appointment viewing for everybody, and being water cooler. Talk the next day. What was the last show to do this?
How to overcome feeling mentally tired?
Guilty going on vacation
how to relax and stop stressing.
how to deal with stress and procrastination?
INTJs, what made you so independent?
I don’t even have a job yet and I already hate it
Can I quit my job the next day if I no longer feel comfortable?
Out of curiosity, what are your favorite hobbies?
What’s a societal norm that you feel uncomfortable with or that you believe is harmful?
Just completed student teaching & graduated — I will NEVER become a teacher.
Recovering people pleaser struggling in my relationship
What part time jobs/side hustles are us therapists working?
How do you all balance your life?
Where the loyalty ?? 😭
Whats a good resource for Techniques in ACT and session plan?
Anyone else refuse to use an alarm or calendar, favoring internal regulation?
Evening advice
Turning 21 soon and feeling behind in relationships
What are the most important life skills to have?