AITA for telling my friend her friendship with this guy is inappropriate?
AITA for not letting my wife buy Starbucks anymore?
Are 13 year old teenagers actually having sex?
AITA for refusing to apologize to BIL for getting my baby sick?
AITA for siding with my mother when she and my wife got in an argument?
AITA for choosing to be with my heartbroken sister for Valentine’s Day rather than my husband
AITA for leaving for the night?
AITA for throwing out my husband's toys?
AITA for allowing my mom to visit mine and my wife's house against my wife's wishes?
AITA for hating my MIL's tattoo?
UPDATE: AITA/AWTA for not letting our step sister wear our family heirlooms?
AITA for being disappointed in my Secret Santa gift?
AITA for leaving after 40 minutes of being ignored?
AITA for not having sympathy for my daughter having cramps?
AITA for saying my daughter should be on medication?
my sim is preggo. i need names terrible names only
How to help my son with the flu
I need a unbiased opinion on this, what name do I look like I have?
AITA for refusing to give my parents the peace of mind that my sister will be well cared for when they're gone
AITA for making my brother leave after he brought his kids to my child free wedding?
AITA For yelling at my boyfriend about something seemingly small?
AITA For telling my sister to "get fucked" when she complained about my kids waking her up at night?
My son was born today. I don't have anyone else to share it with.
AITA MIL refuses to check babies sugar levels. AITA for not letting her baby sit
Am I a bad mom for letting my baby "watch tv"?