Which anime community that is still alive but hopes it will never die?
What if Donald trump and Putin became boyfriends
Ace on Ancient FaceIt level 5 lobbies (volume warning)
Loss of a Dear.
Bashame Chain
When you get jump scared by Tsunoda
GF told me she really likes this skin how could I get this approved FIRST EVER SKIN? Link to the workshop in comments
As I was walking home I got these pictures. (Yes I went outside instead of watching Nokotan im sorry 😞)
+27.38 leetify rating
I painted a fade butterfly knife and some vice gloves
Bocchi the lung
Who has the best smelling hair?
RIP u/bashame__meme, please come back like lucky_thought did!
I will do anything for a die cast ak charm1!!1!1
Loosely Dressed Ryo in the Morning (Makise)
What do they want
How is everyone's day going? I hope it has been as good as mine :D
u/Bashame__Meme deleted their account (I have blood on my hands AGAIN)
Nice bait 🤣
Just hurt my leg, time to rewatch Nokotan again :D
Remember when John McDonald used to LARP on Twitter that he did his job?
Happy birthday!!!
some call it "gamesense"