very, very devastated.
Does any one have the F/M/24 Paper 4 mark schemes for Bio, Chem and Physics?
Anyone ever managed to get a huge jump in their grades a month or less than a month before their externals?
im shaking uncontrollably
Is the miss universe Saudi Arabia contestant representative of the way saudi women look?
how common is it for students to rewrite AS and write A2 as well, and get a higher grade than they did for AS alone?
countdown for results 😭
what to do during exam month?
Physics Threshold
6 tooth smile
How to penetrate my sad, dull low porosity hair?
when do results come out??
is alevels enough for german universities?
Some Koreans empathize with Palestinian resistance, others say there’s no justifying terror tactics
Help is this normal or is this hair loss???
If you feel as thought the grading and results were given awful this year then sign this petition 😭 lets blow this up until we see a difference
has anyone done/is doing medicine through igcse?
My father is forcing me into medicine and I hate it
help-- confused
guys what's the A2 threshold in biology? 9700
In what format do we view edexcel results
Can you carry forward your AS mark only when resitting A2 if you took the whole AL without splitting?
With the release of edexcel boundaries....
Retake or remark or...