How did you respond when somebody you apologized to told you to fuck off?
So, what was Naoto supposed to learn from this?
What song lyrics sound like they were written with Chat GPT?
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
[LES] I like it when heroes who kill show restraint when there are civilians watching
How do you feel about a potential porn ban in the us?
You don’t like stories introducing main bad guys/conflicts then immediately abandoning it? Fortnite does it the worst. (Fortnite)
Your Lie In April really had the subtlety of a mobile phone Amber Alert message
Does anyone else like TMNT 2003 more than 2012 or is it just me?
What casting decision seemed like a good idea, only for them to flub it in the final product?
What’s a game that’s been infamously slandered online that you realized, isn’t actually as bad as they made it out to be after playing it yourself?
How would you handle a future Death Note adaptation?
Why was Light so sexist?
Powerful characters who get beat on all the time are annoying
What part of America makes a third world country look like a tropical island?
[pjo] ‘Percy Jackson and the Olympians’ Renewed for Season 3 at Disney+ Ahead of Season 2 Premiere
What's a 'modern convenience' that actually made your life harder?
Keeping Transformers on Cybertron kind of defeats the appeal of the franchise
What was the most fucked up thing a bully at your school did?
What is illegal in real life, but encouraged in the Bible?
You have the power to remove one song from existence and nobody will remember it. What song do you choose?
What would you anonymously buy online and have sent to your worst enemy's address?
What has gradually disappeared over the last ten years without people really noticing?
What instantly kills your hype for a game?