Every single new release. Also, empty template for y'all.
Every new release is the same. Empty template available.
Anyone else hoping the artisan weapons aren't expanded on and become the Kulve Terroth of Wilds?
Who should i dna splice
I made a weapon popularity pie chart using the member list in 11 lobbies.
Lance mains, have you tried Counterstrike 3 and Guard zero? Bc I'm thinking Guard is overrated and Lance is better without it in Wilds.
What Pokemon really fought its way into your heart?
Highest skill-ceiling-in-normal-play Wilds weapon?
I hate how I can't use the abbreviation of Switch Axe
Whats your favourite non legendary pokemon for a classic run?
Who do I replace with a non-shiny Guzzlord
How to do a "turret" or "on rails" encounter?
Is there a way to play this game on mobile without crashing?
Siren-like creature? (NOT A HARPY)
(OC) Mega Drifblim concept!
Not a gardener. Went through a few freezing days and my gf is devastated her indoor plants next to a sliding door "died". Help?
Y'all know Arkveld gear has the Diversion skill right? It make the monster more likely to target you instead of your teammates...
What are your predictions for returning monsters? Here are mine based on the existing monster models/skeletons and two bonus predictions.
For which weapon types is Artian the CLEAR winner?
Corrupted mantle is boring and makes most weapons boring to use.
Is it possible to find 2 bedroom apartments for 1.1k and under? ( in a safe location? )
Just because I've played MH before does not invalidate my opinion
Wilds Lance feels so badass this time around
Having the seikret and handler on the battlefield mid fight is such a hinderance.