What Pokemon really fought its way into your heart?
Do you have a unique favorite Pokemon? I need to know.
I think I never had such a Close Game, damn
Fav Pokémon
Steel-type dominance continues with a Steelix win for Day 3! Which Pokemon comes to mind when you see this color (Day 4: Purple)
Was sagt ihr zu diesen Teams?
Which Season of the Anime has the best intro song?
My lineup, any improvements/ideas?
Just beat Soulsilver (my first ever videogame) for the first time since being a young kiddo who didn't know what a "Teenager" was (Im german, I was having a stroke reading that)
Went as a sexy nurse. Cause why not
Kommandierungsverkürzung aufgrund von Widerruf
Wie verhält es sich mit Sehfehlern bei der Feuerwehr?
Kommandierung und Meldung zum Dienst
Happy Star Wars Day
Kommt nur mir das so vor, oder kommen neue Folgen seit Wochen/Monaten ziemlich unregelmäßig bzw. selten?
Mein Code: FLOS281
I go with option 2
Are podcast minutes included on the summary?
Why are people so overly defensive about their choice of spouse and aggressive over others? I frequently see people try to brand Alex, Sam, and Haley as outright “bad” choices while Maru and Harvey are “boring”.
who is your most disliked npc without saying their name?
I trust you all will be honest
Wow, I just turned 18 2 hours ago
What is this animation in s4?