Question about an Illinois news source.
Not even allowing the girls to leave is just…weird man.
Finally getting the Ikit Claw dlc and getting ratling guns
Oh Igon, my Igon!
Tier List of how likely the AI is to declare war on or grief the player (VH experience of getting every VH win achievement)
I want to like this game. I really do.
What’s your favorite unit to watch fight?
It’s hard not to admire a perfect cake when it’s baking
Is this winnable? VH/N
The Dragon's Dogma 2 microtransactions are real and bafflingly silly, since nearly all of them can be found in the game without too much trouble
Achievement Hunting
What's your favorite faction?
"Legendary" AI moment. Bloated Corpse killed half of his own army in exchange for dealing no damage to my Manticore.
Is Shadows of Change worth it for $20.00? Politics aside genuinely curious to see if it's worth the price.
Where's my Steam achievement? Does it have to be in vanilla now?
Never trust an elf!
"I got something that could fill you up Big T"
Ruin a faction with 1 change
Diagnosis: Gym Rat
Dread it, run from it. The squat shits come all the same.
I suffer eternally from the “Lifter’s Conundrum”
Arnold Schwarzenegger