Just Weird
Someone got salty
A nautical mile is directly related to the shape of the Earth.
Time to shut down this hateful subreddit /s
How many people did he have this conversation with?
Soap Bubble pt 4: "Transgressions"
Top arguments against apologists who say “so many people saw Jesus after he died and there is no other explanation” plus “the shroud of Turin” proves it more!
*Repost* I think I lost brain cells
At least he doesn't agree with the hate ig.
Sun Close-Ups Captured With My Amateur Backyard Telescope - March 10
And they say romance is dead
Welp I guess I rendered him speechless
Incel Defends Infancide (Part 2!)
He's totally baffled as to what could possibly be wrong with incels' personalities
Women can't be decent
They know nothing of honor or respect do they
Soap Bubble pt 2: "Do not blame me for being merciless"
Incel defends Infantcide
All The Integrity of a Soap Bubble
Has anyone in Germany seen the iglo Backfisch lately?
'Top 5 reasons why I'm an incel'
I'm not one of you
Why are they so obsessed with me and my bf?
I hate it