I just found out who played the character of Charles Logan is dead
Construction Equipment vs Machine Gun, Yaaas, please.
Most intense episode of Day 7?
Favorite Scene/Quote of the Entire Series
How does Jack Bauer Influence you? Here's my opinion (share yours):
Am I the only one who liked this character?
Someone just mentioned a movie that was so sad they couldn’t watch it again. Do you have one (or more) of those.
Juror 2 Discussion Thread (Contains Spoilers)
Everyone always getting in Jack's way, slowing him down.
Jack’s little chit chat with Heller
Is Jack Bauer an Antihero?
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
If an actor in his 30s was needed to play a Jack Bauer in a 24 prequel today, who would you cast? Please dont say 'no one can replace Keifer' or anything like that.
I just realized "No One Mourns the Wicked" can be heard in the background of Defying Gravity
Recent Interview re: Kiefer’s age & 24 reboot
It’s Hard To Rank Seasons. Such A Great Show
I Finally Understand Why Wicked Means So Much to Me
Ignoring the fact Jack isn't in it, what does everyone think of Legacy?
Which dress would you choose 1-4
Was Martha right, should she have gotten a medal for doing this?
Body's speech
S6 E12 Logan knows what it’s like….
I'll probably get the witch hunters after me on this but, I really don't care about the movie not getting enough Oscars.